Who is that?
Can I give her a kiss?
I was on such a roll with the blogging thing! The website is being blocked from here in China for some reason, and I am unable to post directly, so Karen who inspired the blog to begin with, will be my technical support, and post for me. Thanks Karen! The pictures will be limited though, more will come once I'm home.
So we are in Beijing now! The last I left off, I think was a shopping day in Changsha, the embroidery shop, and swimming. Friday was so muggy and humid, we chose to have a free day rather than do any touring. Playroom fun, more swimming, pictures of local cuisine that I will have to post later (braised snake, turtle and snails!) Lots of playtime with Kristen and practising her walking! She's still far from walking on her own, there's no balance at all, but she's trying. She wants so much to! I think she'll have no problem keeping up with her busy brothers, she is just as busy! Our guide Lily was great, she went to pick up all our documents and Kristen's passport for us Friday afternoon, so that saved us line up times. She said it was very busy, didn't get back to the hotel until 7pm, (passport office closed at 5), so we were grateful we didn't have to go.
Aidan was so excited this morning to go to Beijing, partly because there's more sight seeing, but also we were meeting up with our friend Susie and her son Magnus. So great that we could just meet up in Beijing! We are so grateful they made the big trek out to Asia to come support us, it really makes the travel so much more fun! And for Kristen to have an "auntie" to help out, she is just being spoiled with attention! We checked back into the Jianguo Garden hotel, where we still had one piece of luggage stored from last Saturday (has it really been a week?), and settled into our much bigger room.
I do have to say, that while getting through the airport check in and security in Changsha, I was quite surprised at how relaxed we were, like Kristen was always part of our family, and last minute before boarding the plane, I thought, hey this is Kristen's first plane ride!! Of course out came the cameras and video, and I held in my emotions, realizing for Kristen, this is her plane ride away from home. She may have no idea what is happening, but she is saying goodbye to what was 'home' for the past 11 months! To think what would her life have been like, if she stayed? Her journey to us, began when she left the orphanage on Monday, on the 7 hour car ride to Changsha. Now her first airplane ride, leaving Hunan province, on to Beijing, signifies lifting off from her roots there. In Beijing, we are still in her home country, but this is the last gate to pass, and her journey to Canada begins. She will establish new roots in Camborne! One day we will all return to revisit. Even for myself, this whole China experience, has strengthened my own cultural ties. Oh, on the Friday, the other Theresa (we are travelling with) and I went out during the kids naps, to get our hair cut ($10!), and the hairdresser spoke Cantonese! So here I was all proud to be able to converse a little without Lily's help (or my mother's), and carried on a fairly decent conversation. He was really interested in learning where my ancestors were from and what life was like in Canada, and why, if I was born in England, why didn't I stay there. Of course my answers were quite simple, (see Mom, if you were here, I'd be needing you to expand for me), but at least we were able to make small talk while he was cutting my hair.
First airplane ride for Kristen and Kaya!
Anyways, I will have to keep track of the events this week, and may have to suspend this blog for a few days. Thursday is just around the corner!
Have a great long weekend everybody! We are off to Forbidden City and Tiannemen Square tomorrow. Monday Kristen goes for an immigration physical, and apply for her VISA. Home soon!
Kristen is so pretty in her dress. In no time she will be running around after her brothers..
ReplyDeleteSay hi to Susie,and bring back some of the warmth with you,its cold here..lol!!!
Wow! What a little sweetie. Loving that you have her in a dress... where's the pink?? Looks like we have to go on a "pink" outing when you get back. Josh & Brenny had a ton of fun on Friday... they got soaked and dirty making MUDpies :) Looking forward to seeing all of your pics when you get back. Enjoy the Forbidden City. Love to your family, Auntie Susie & Magnus...
ReplyDeleteDane xo
How is the father doing? Is he getting his foot massage? I hear that is a must-do when in Beijing!
ReplyDeleteWe actually did get a foot massage (acupressure) the morning of GOTCHA day in Changsha! It was SOOO good, pain is good! Got us all relaxed for the big afternoon.