Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good morning from China!

Thanks for the wake up call Kate! We totally didn't mind that it was 4am China time, last night everybody slept early, after a busy day, which I will blog later, as we are about to leave to meet our tour guide now. It's actually Thursday morning for us, this computer is posting this as Wednesday. After a nice skype call from the Elliotts, Aidan wants to make a post, now that he knows Camborne School is following our journey. I think that is so great, and we feel so grateful, to be part of such a wonderful supportive community!

Here's Aidan:
Hi! I'm having a great time in China, and I've done all my homework Mrs. Oliver! The hotel we're staying at is super nice, there's a big indoor swimming pool and a smaller one for small kids. There's also a whole ping pong center with 8 tables in separate rooms, and there's a gym and a bowling alley!!! I have to go now,


  1. hey guys. if you want to correct your time, go to dashboard, setting, formatting, then pick the time zone you are in.

    Roger is such a good writer. Keep it up.

  2. Hi Aidan,
    We are enjoying reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your adventures. We have your site up on one of the computers in the classroom. We particularly like the pictures of you and Kristen (and mom and dad,of course). You all look so happy!
    I can't believe that you are finished your homework already! Now settle back and enjoy the experience. We will want to hear your version of it too when you get home.
    I have tried to send you a post 3 times, so far with no luck. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but we are thinking that maybe we can't do it from school, so I am trying this one from home. Hope it gets to you.
    Mrs. Oliver
