Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finalizing the adoption

Well, after an emotional day yesterday, meeting Kristen for the first time, we are taking some time today to get to know her routine. Everybody was exhausted last night, still bit jet lagged too. This morning, we had to return to the Adoption Services building where we met Kristen yesterday, to make everything "official". I guess yesterday was a "trial period", and today was to confirm we still want to keep her. Of course! we said. It was a very interesting experience, and I'd have to think about it when I'm more awake, how to put it into words (this is my sleepy time... everybody else is already asleep). Surreal, is often the word used. I do have to say that jet lag, mixed in with excited anticipation, and then language barriers, made the whole event surreal. Our guide Lily was running around, and not being by my side right away, I had to wait for her before I could approach the orphanage staff that brought Kristen. Today especially, there seemed to be a lot of people around, just kind of watching us, carrying around our babies, waiting for our turn for the "official interview". There were a few other couples in the room from Holland, Sweden... who adopted boys. Interestingly only ourselves and the other couple we are travelling with, adopted girls. I guess the trend is becoming more both genders, as opposed to before, predominantly girls being put up for adoption. There were crying babies as they saw their caregivers again, probably confused that yesterday they were handed over to strangers, and today they see them again. Kristen did okay, she had a nap just before. We were fingerprinted, and she was footprinted. We had a family adoption portrait taken, and then the paperwork was notarized. And then we were off to Walmart!! Same SMILEY rollback face everywhere, but everything in Chinese, and products mostly different. Picked up diapers, and a few essentials, and then headed back to the hotel to rest and enjoy Kristen all to ourselves. She was very tired from all the commotion in the last couple of days. Had 3 naps! She is really quite tiny, so all I wanted to do today was feed her and feed her. Aidan was a great big brother, they went to the playroom at the end of this hall (apparently this floor is used a lot for "adoptive families" that come here... Aidan and Kristen shot some hoops, and Aidan got her into giggles doing his goofy stuff. That was so great to see, I really am proud how helpful Aidan has been. Kristen loved her bath, which is good, she'll hopefully like swimming, because we'll be doing lots of that back home in our new pool!

Skype is up and running again back on the homefront, so Kristen got to meet her other 2 brothers over the internet. I just love this technology! Anyways, Nathan and Brendan, so glad you guys are doing well, it was so great to see your beautiful faces! We love you and miss you tons!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Teresa & Roger this blog site is awesome. So happy & excited for you. Love following your journey on the blog site.The pics are great!!! Kristen looks so happy & relaxed with you guys,glad to see big bro Aidan and her are bonding so well. Miss you at work, but no worries Rina is doing great. Take care all of you c u when you get back, Safe trip home.
