Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fresh Air

Aidan learning how to walk?

Can you see the Olympic rings?
Mount Yuelu

Okay, I'm back in blogging mode. Wow, I'm not usually on the computer so much! E-mailing and Skyping and blogging... I had to drop facebook for now! Internet has really made us feel so close to home, even though we are so far away. We have been Skype calling the Mighty Knights on the homefront twice a day, (thanks to our wonderful neighbors who helped get the internet fixed for my mom). Being able to see them has made the separation much more manageable. Only one more week Mighty Knights Nathan and Brendan!

So where did we leave off. Wednesday was a breathe of fresh air, in that we had no paperwork to complete, but also we escaped the bustle of the urban centre of Changsha, and travelled about 1/2 hour out, to visit Mount Yuelu. Ironically that day was quite overcast, muggy and over 30 degrees, and with the smog, I could barely see the next high rise from our hotel window. So we were happy to enter a more rural spot, and breathe some fresh air. Hunan University actually lies at the foot of the mountain, and what a charming and inspiring place to study. Previously established as Yuelu Academy in 976, it is the only "ancient Chinese academy" that has evolved into a modern academic institute. Chairman Mao, the Chinese communist leader who was also a poet and philosopher, once studied here.

After our mountain trek, we returned to the hotel for some down time and getting to know Kristen time. We headed to the playroom down the hall and met another couple from the Netherlands, who adopted a little boy with cleft lip. Kristen quite enjoyed the peer interaction of this busy boy, especially once we put her in a walker, she seemed to be in her own element, pushing herself around. Aidan was so great, entertaining both toddlers, with throwing balls around, and just clowning around. He really has been a great help on this trip, and watching how Kristen looks up at him, and starts giggling, just melts my heart. I can't believe we've only been together since Monday afternoon! She seems more relaxed with us, making lots of eye contact, and searching for us when in need. We really started to feel she is 'ours'. Aidan has been good with Kaya too, our travelmate's daughter, who is super shy, but he takes her in our stroller, and does a couple of laps around our floor if her parents are busy. They really are holding up quite well, considering how little Kaya is eating and being first time parents. We have lent them snacks, even a syringe, to see what she will take. She feels even lighter than Kristen, and my heart goes out to all orphans to see how weak and underweight they are. We hope to catch them up soon though.

After some play, since Kristen loved her first bath Tuesday night so much, we thought we'd try her in the pool here. Little nervous at first, she did not cry, and started splashing and kicking in no time. We did the pizza thing for dinner as a break from dumplings, but Aidan was so tired from all the mountain exercise and playing, he fell asleep before the pizza arrived! We of course woke him up enough to chew and eat a couple of slices, before he went back into dreamland. We pretty much did the same thing (why I didn't blog yesterday!)

I will post pictures now, before I continue onto Thursday.

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