Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Picnic at the Great Wall

Another hot hot day here in Beijing, and it's really too bad our touring van's AC has not been fixed since it was a bit more of a drive today to the Great Wall. I think we preferred having the hot air blow in from the windows! The babies did okay, but everbody was hot from the lack of air circulating.

We were are relieved to step out of the van and feel the warm breeze. The Great Wall of China, truly a great historic structure, as we stood in awe, and tried to decide which route to go, the long shallow route, or the steeper, shorter route. The young lads of course chose the more challenging steeper route! So we got Kristen comfortable in the baby trekker, sunscreened, and off we went, trying to keep up with Aidan and Magnus. Of course frequent stops for snapping pictures, which again, I'll post when I return home. I overheard a tourist who just passed Roger, say, "who would bring a baby to the Great Wall". Well, now Kristen can say one day, "I went to the Great Wall of China before one year of age! Roger did really well, just lots of stretching tonight. Going down the steep parts, even with the hand rails, could be slippery.

Our guide Lily treated us to a relaxing picnic under the shade of an ornate pavillion, with the Great Wall as back drop, and the warm breeze keeping us cool. Lily is really a great guide, she knew this would be more relaxing, than eating at the tourist restaurants. Being a small group, this was a lot more manageable.

Back on the "no air circulating" hot van we went for our drive back into Beijing. So far on the trip, with all the reckless driving, we were surprised there were barely any accidents, but on the way home, we saw one between a taxi and an ambulance! At least all the equipment was there if needed, but fortunately the people involved looked okay, so none needed. Hopefully another ambulance was dispatched to where that ambulance was expected!

Back to the hotel, for a quick swim, freshening up, and out again for the Peking Duck feast, a traditional dinner Children's Bridge likes to organize for the end of the trip. Normally we would have done this the last evening, but we had worked up such an appetite from the Great Wall, we decided tonight was the night. Aidan LOVES Peking Duck, so he was ready to go! And what a feast it was! Shopping day tomorrow! And if all packed maybe an Acrobats show!

By now, the Mighty Knights at home should be getting back into a routine after a great weekend, and I can't wait to see all the surprises you've been preparing for Kristen! Thanks for all the Skype kisses my Mighty Knights. 2 more sleeps!

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